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There are Wolves and there are Sheep, I am Sheepdog


How is Social Security financed?

Social Security is financed through a dedicated payroll tax. Employers and employees each pay 6.2 percent of wages up to the taxable maximum of $142,800 (in 2021), while the self-employed pay 12.4 percent.

In 2019, $944.5 billion (89 percent) of total Old-Age and Survivors Insurance and Disability Insurance income came from payroll taxes. The remainder was provided by interest earnings $80.8 billion (7.6 percent) and revenue from taxation of OASDI benefits $36.5 billion (3.4 percent).

The payroll tax rates are set by law, and for OASI and DI, apply to earnings up to a certain amount. This amount, called the earnings base, rises as average wages increase.


Proposals to Change Social Security (ssa.gov)

In a November 2018 article in USAToday,  the writer states that Social Security pays out an avg of $1,417/month benefit (note sure I understand the term benefit here when this is something we are required to pay, and it is not optional). And as such this payout keeps an estimated 15.3 million Americans above the poverty line. Again please Universe explain to me how Social Security is defined in the terms of keeping one above the poverty line? 

So allow me Universe to do the math here, 

In 2018 the HHS states that a single household would be above the poverty line if that individual made $12,140/year. So based on that math Social Security would provide an individual $17,004. Now how does that align to minimum wage needed to meet that standard?

Say an individual working 40 hours/week and works 52 weeks/year == $17,004 would need to make $8.18/hour. 

But what are the numbers in 2021? Oh my currently the poverty line is set at $12,880/year, that would be the avg individual working would need to make $6.20/hour to stay equal to the poverty line.


Meek, Strong, and Wise please define "CRISIS"

Is it possible that we perhaps misunderstand the meaning of a word, and as such apply this word contextually false?

What is a "CRISIS"


n. pl. cri·ses (-sēz)
1. A crucial or decisive point or situation, especially a difficult or unstable situation involving an impending change.
2. A sudden change in the course of a disease or fever, toward either improvement or deterioration.
3. An emotionally stressful event or traumatic change in a person's life.
4. A point in a story or drama when a conflict reaches its highest tension and must be resolved.

crisis situation per DOD Instruction 3020.37, means any emergency so declared by the National Command Authority or the overseas combatant commander, whether or no U.S. Armed Forces are involved, minimally encompassing civil unrest or insurrection, civil war, civil disorder, terrorism, hostilities build-up, wartime conditions, disasters, or international conflict presenting a serious threat to DoD interests. crisis situation means a recent incident such as an act of God (drought, freeze, flood, storm or landslide), or an act of man (chemical spill or vandalism), resulting in an outage or a significant decline in quality or quantity of potable water or the treatment of waste water which poses a serious and immediate threat or endangerment to health for which local funds are not available to resolve the threat or endangerment: Provided, That a crisis situation caused by an act of man shall not include occurrences resulting from the lack of maintenance; negligence; normal replacement of operating parts, pumps, or systems; or upgrades to achieve compliance with existing or new regulatory standards. crisis situation means any man-made situation in a Member State presenting a serious direct physical threat to persons or institutions in that Member State, in particular hostage-taking, hijacking and similar incidents.

crisis situation per DOD Instruction 3020.37, means any emergency so declared by the National Command Authority or the overseas combatant commander, whether or no U.S. Armed Forces are involved, minimally encompassing civil unrest or insurrection, civil war, civil disorder, terrorism, hostilities build-up, wartime conditions, disasters, or international conflict presenting a serious threat to DoD interests.

crisis situation means a recent incident such as an act of God (drought, freeze, flood, storm or landslide), or an act of man (chemical spill or vandalism), resulting in an outage or a significant decline in quality or quantity of potable water or the treatment of waste water which poses a serious and immediate threat or endangerment to health for which local funds are not available to resolve the threat or endangerment: Provided, That a crisis situation caused by an act of man shall not include occurrences resulting from the lack of maintenance; negligence; normal replacement of operating parts, pumps, or systems; or upgrades to achieve compliance with existing or new regulatory standards. 

crisis situation means any man-made situation in a Member State presenting a serious direct physical threat to persons or institutions in that Member State, in particular hostage-taking, hijacking and similar incidents.

crisis situation means a recent incident such as an act of God (drought, freeze, flood, storm or landslide), or an act of man (chemical spill or vandalism), resulting in an outage or a significant decline in quality or quantity of potable water or the treatment of waste water which poses a serious and immediate threat or endangerment to health for which local funds are not available to resolve the threat or endangerment: Provided, That a crisis situation caused by an act of man shall not include occurrences resulting from the lack of maintenance; negligence; normal replacement of operating parts, pumps, or systems; or upgrades to achieve compliance with existing or new regulatory standards.
crisis situation means a recent incident such as an act of God (drought, freeze, flood, storm or landslide), or an act of man (chemical spill or vandalism), resulting in an outage or a significant decline in quality or quantity of potable water or the treatment of waste water which poses a serious and immediate threat or endangerment to health for which local funds are not available to resolve the threat or endangerment: Provided, That a crisis situation caused by an act of man shall not include occurrences resulting from the lack of maintenance; negligence; normal replacement of operating parts, pumps, or systems; or upgrades to achieve compliance with existing or new regulatory standards.
crisis situation per DOD Instruction 3020.37, means any emergency so declared by the National Command Authority or the overseas combatant commander, whether or no U.S. Armed Forces are involved, minimally encompassing civil unrest or insurrection, civil war, civil disorder, terrorism, hostilities build-up, wartime conditions, disasters, or international conflict presenting a serious threat to DoD interests. crisis situation means a recent incident such as an act of God (drought, freeze, flood, storm or landslide), or an act of man (chemical spill or vandalism), resulting in an outage or a significant decline in quality or quantity of potable water or the treatment of waste water which poses a serious and immediate threat or endangerment to health for which local funds are not available to resolve the threat or endangerment: Provided, That a crisis situation caused by an act of man shall not include occurrences resulting from the lack of maintenance; negligence; normal replacement of operating parts, pumps, or systems; or upgrades to achieve compliance with existing or new regulatory standards. crisis situation means any man-made situation in a Member State presenting a serious direct physical threat to persons or institutions in that Member State, in particular hostage-taking, hijacking and similar incidents.
crisis situation means a recent incident such as an act of God (drought, freeze, flood, storm or landslide), or an act of man (chemical spill or vandalism), resulting in an outage or a significant decline in quality or quantity of potable water or the treatment of waste water which poses a serious and immediate threat or endangerment to health for which local funds are not available to resolve the threat or endangerment: Provided, That a crisis situation caused by an act of man shall not include occurrences resulting from the lack of maintenance; negligence; normal replacement of operating parts, pumps, or systems; or upgrades to achieve compliance with existing or new regulatory standards.means any man-made situation in a Member State presenting a serious direct physical threat to persons or institutions in that Member State, in particular hostage-taking, hijacking and similar incidents.


crisis. (n.d.) American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. (2011). Retrieved March 10 2021 from https://www.thefreedictionary.com/crisis
crisis situation definition

crisis situation (n.d)  Law Insider®. Retrieved March 10 2021 from https://www.lawinsider.com/dictionary/crisis-situation

Who are we.....

We as a species (the Human Race) want to agree that all are equal, no matter our ethnic background, heritage, religion, gender, or belief system. For this though to truly take seed and prosper do we not first need to agree upon a common ground and begin to live this truth?

If this truly is the sought-after ideology, why then do we continue to have Months, Days, and other celebrations that only perpetuated segregation based on one’s ideas, gender, race, and/or religion? In doing so are we not perhaps in some way either conscientiously or sub-conscientiously suggesting that those identifying within anyone or more of these classifications is in some way different and in need of special attention and recognition?


For example:

January is Slavery and Human Trafficking Prevention Month

January 1 is the Emancipation Proclamation anniversary

January 5 is George Washington Carver Day

January 18, 2021 (every third Monday of January) is Martin Luther King Day

February is Black History Month

February 4 is Rosa Parks Day

February 6 is the International Day of Zero Tolerance for Female Genital Mutilation

February 12 is the International Day of Action on Women’s Health

February 14 is Frederick Douglass Day

March is Women’s History Month

March is National Developmental Disabilities Awareness Month

March is National Multiple Sclerosis Education and Awareness Month

March 5 is Crispus Attucks Day, or Boston Massacre Day

March 6 to March 14, 2021 is Carnaval Miami,

March 8 is International Women’s Day

March 10 is Harriet Tubman Day

March 10 marks the annual observance of National Women and Girls HIV/AIDS Awareness Day (NWGHAAD)

March 13 – April 15 is Deaf History Month

March 16 marks publication of the First Black Newspaper in America

March 31 is Cesar Chavez

March 21 is World Down Syndrome Day

April is Celebrate Diversity Month

April is Autism Awareness Month

April 2 is World Autism Awareness Day (WAAD)

April 15 is Jackie Robinson Day

April 16 is Emancipation Day

April 30 is El Día de los Niños

May is Mental Health Awareness Month

May is Better Hearing and Speech Month

May 5 is Cinco de Mayo

May 9 is National Children’s Mental Health Awareness Day

May 10 is Dia de las Madres

May 17 is the Anniversary of the School Desegregation Ruling

May 17, 2021 (the third Sunday of May) is “Malcolm X Day”

May 21 is World Day for Cultural Diversity for Dialogue and Development

May 21 is Malcolm X Day

May 30 is World Multiple Sclerosis (MS) Awareness Day

June is African American Music Appreciation Month

June 11 to June 13, 2021 (second weekend of June) holds events associated with the National Puerto Rican Day Parade

June 12 is Loving Day

June 13, 2021 (second Sunday in June) is the “Odunde Festival,” or African New Year

June 19 is Juneteenth, (AKA “Freedom Day” or “Emancipation Day”)

June 19 – 24 is Les Fogueres de Sant Joan

June 23 is International Widows Day

June 23 is Birthday of Haile Selassie (Rastafari)

July 18 is Nelson Mandela International Day

July 19 is the Maafa Commemoration

July 26 is Disability Independence Day

August 15 is Asuncion de la Virgen

August 17 is Marcus Garvey Day

August 26 is Women’s Equality Day

September 11, 2021 (or, during a leap year, September 12) is Enkutatash, or the Ethiopian New Year

September 15–October 15 is Hispanic Heritage Month

September 16 is Mexican Independence Day

September 19, 2021 (third Sunday in September) is National Women’s Friendship Day

September 22 is American Business Women’s Day

September 25 is when school desegregation came to Little Rock, AR

October is National Disability Employment Awareness Month

October brings Global Diversity Awareness Month

October 1 through October 7, 2021 (the first full week of October) marks National Diversity Week

October 1 is Jerry Rescue Day

October 2 marks the date Thurgood Marshall was sworn into the Supreme Court

October 3 marks the date Frank Robinson was signed as Major League Manager

October 11 is the International Day of the Girl Child

Oct 12 is Día de la Hispanidad (Spain), or Spanish National Day

October 15 is the International Day of Rural Women

October 17 is Black Poetry Day

October 18, 2021 (every third Monday in October) is Multicultural Diversity Day

October 29 marks the date that the National Organization for Women (NOW)

November 1 mainly as Día de los Santos Inocentes (“Holy Innocents Day”)

November 2 is Día de los Muertos or Día de los Difuntos (“Day of the Dead”)

November 25 is International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women

November 25 to December 10, the 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence

November 28, 2021 (fourth Sunday in November) is Umoja Karamu Celebration

December 1 is Rosa Parks Day

December 2 is the International Day for the Abolition of Slavery

December 3 is International Day of Persons with Disabilities (IDPD)

December 6 is Día de la Con­stitu­ción (Constitution Day)

Decem­ber 8 is La In­macu­lada Con­cep­ción de la Vir­gen María (the Holy­day Day of Ob­lig­a­tion of the Im­macu­late Con­cep­tion of Mary)

December 12 is Feast Day at Our Lady of Guadalupe

December 16-24 is Las Posadas

December 26-January 1 is Kwanzaa


And continues to identify these as well:

Islamic Holidays

Jewish Holidays

Hindu Holidays

Buddhist Holidays

Other Religious, Traditional, and Informal Holidays


Is there any way we can unify and identify as equals with based on who we place so much focus on diversity, and not on what brings us together?

I await input from the Universe.

“Fahrenheit 451”

Differences and Similarities between "Cancel Culture" and "Fahrenheit 451"


Fill in the Blanks......

1 - Russia in 1923 - Burnt books

2 - China in 1921 - Burnt books

3 - Germany 1933 - Burnt books

4 - Iran 1946 - Burnt books

5 - Finland 1945 - Burnt books

6 - Algerian 1954 - Burnt books

7 - Poland 1970 - Burnt books

8 - Chile 1974 - Burnt books

9 - Viet Cong 1974 - Burnt books

10 - Sri Lanka 1981 - Burnt books

11 - Bosnia and Herzegovina 1992 - Burnt books

12 - Abkhazia 1992 - Burnt books

13 - Afghanistan 1987 - Burnt books

14 - ....

What are/is the common theme(s)?