So do we really understand the ramifications of the latest rise in nation state sponsored cyber attacks?
Fire-Eye cyber attack
Google Confirms 40,000 Nation-State Cyber Attack Warnings Issued
‘Elite Hackers’ Thought Behind Cyber Attack On World Health Organization
Advanced Persistent Threat (APT) Groups
We the people, many of who are not in the know or right line business to fully grasp the totality of these cyber threats, need a simplified account. An accounting that helps towards a better understanding of the impact these type of attacks can and often do have on our personal lives.
The so what:
- Multiple government agencies were breached through SolarWinds's Orion software
- Victims of this attack include
- FireEye
- US Treasury Department
- US Department of Commerce's National Telecommunications and Information Administration
- US Department of Homeland Security
- The resent Google outage, and the current shift to the use of third party cloud, presents a new area of concern. As Telco network traffic is being handed off and no longer in their direct control
- APT data shows an upward trend in the number of nation state sponsored cyber attack groups
We should not assume that our personal information (PII) is protected or secure while transiting over Telco infrastructure. This is perhaps even more so true today in that as stated our PII is being hosted and stored in third party clouds. As such we must understand who is liable, but also who or what is most likely a candidate for a cyber attack.
We need to better understand the information security eco system in place to further educate our selves.
I look forward to continuing this dialog, and your thoughts and comments