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There are Wolves and there are Sheep, I am Sheepdog

Victimless Crime

Today I would just like to toss this out and see what responses are shared. I was challenged with a theory that victimless crimes should be removed from our law and no longer policed.

So I ask what are victimless crimes, and for each let us challenge our thought process to dig deeper and provide validation that said victimless crime has no real victims.

Let the Universe Speak

Beneath the Surface of the Dark Water known as the world's Governments

Who truly winds and turns the hands of the clock from which our world revolves?

Secret Societies that are factual and exist today:

Bilderberg Group

The Freemasons

The Order of the Skull and Bones

The Rosicrucians 

The Knights Templar

Bohemian Grove



The Congressional Secret Society

The People's House has turned into a place where laws are written by leaders in private, with little debate.

By Susan Milligan Senior Politics Writer, Feb. 7, 2018 - https://www.usnews.com/news/the-report/articles/2018-02-07/congress-has-turned-into-a-secret-society

Again food for thought.....
